The dishonest campaign from my opponent has been condemned and discredited far and wide by conservative leaders. I will never engage in negative campaigning because I believe you can't build yourself up by tearing someone else down. I will always …
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Redistricting has slightly altered the House District 33 boundaries. If you are new to House District 33, welcome! If I can ever be of service, please do not hesitate to contact me.If you need help finding your polling place or …
Continue Reading"Travis and his wife, Jenny, served in my office as prosecutors. They dedicated their lives to making our community a safer place. Travis has continued to support law enforcement in Columbia. He understands our justice system and strives to be fair and …
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When results matter, Travis Moore delivers. From protecting life by passing the Heatbeat Bill to being a champion of the largest tax cut in SC history, Rep. Moore is fighting for our values every day.